How can we use data modelling to predict the future of zero-emission energy? This week, Auke Hoekstra discusses the SparkCity model, dealing with, adoption of electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, and the effects the switch to EVs is going to have on the grid. Auke joins Michael for this week's episode from his self-designed energy positive house in the Netherlands. Not only is he a researcher at the Eindhoven University of Technology but also the founder of Zenmo simulations and initiated NEON a research programme focusing on transport and sustainability. Auke debunks a few myths as well: electric cars do not emit more CO2 than ICE vehicles and trucks are actually electrifiable. They also discuss how the EIA’s and the IEA’s forecasts on solar cost and penetration have aged (spoiler: not well).
Further reading:
Auke’s profile on the Eindhoven University of Technology’s website
Auke’s bio & personal motivation – NEON research project
Auke’s Linkedin
Comparing the lifetime green house gas emissions of electric cars with the emissions of cars using gasoline or diesel (2020)\_Studie-EAuto-versus-Verbrenner\_CO2.pdf
Bollox: eTrucks aren’t too heavy for European roads (14 September 2020)
Electric Auke: Recognition from Volkswagen is a milestone (2 September 2020)
Evaluation of the state-of-the-art of full-electric medium and heavy-duty trucks (October 2018)
‘Electric trucks: economically and environmentally desirable but misunderstood’ (2017)